**** ATTENTION TO ALL LADIES GROUP MEMBERS …. Due to possible messy road conditions still present on Tuesday evening, the ladies’ dinner has been postponed to Tuesday, January 21. Still at 6:00 pm. Still at Tripps. Hope all stay safe and warm.
**** REMINDER: During adverse weather, please check our website for any cancellations or changes in schedules.
Last week’s Gospel told of Jesus’ baptism, when the Father revealed to all those present that Jesus was the Son of God. Today’s Gospel tells of Jesus’ first miracle, changing the water to wine at a wedding banquet. John calls his miracles signs, for they reveal Jesus’ divinity to everyone who witnesses the event. Here John immediately points out that his disciples respond with faith. As this was Jesus’ first sign, this is when they begin to believe. All these centuries later, may listening to Jesus’ wondrous deeds yet again strengthen our faith as well.
**** Let us pray for healing to Parishioners who are sick – Lynne McGrath, Kimberly Oliver, Karen and Richard Collings …